Konrad Winter: Getarnter Wohlstand

25. November 2010 - 15. January 2011

Camouflaged Prosperity In this show we present new works by Konrad Winter.

Janos Schaab: Venus meets It-girl

07. October - 20. November 2010

Beauty - what characteristics are associated with this term? And which features do today's media stars have in common with classic representations of "beautiful" women? To what extent does the media influence what is seen to be beautifull? Janos Schaab presents new works on this subject.

Steve Johnson - Every day’s a film with no script

26. August - 25. September 2010

Steve Johnson's sculptures and paintings are similar to stages - spaces where a performance is about to take place or could take place. His stages, however, are not in theaters, but are urban islands where the viewer substitutes for the actors and decides how the play continues.

„Damals hat die halbe Nation hinter dem Fernseher gestanden.“

10. June - 10. July 2010

This quote is from Kaiser Franz personally. Prior to and during the World Cup in South Africa, we invite you to Frankfurt to this group exhibition. So before you stand behind the TV to listen to the great sporting event, come to the exhibition to stand in front of the works and see them. Let's go!

Barbara Storck-Brundrett: Reif für die Insel - Gemälde und Objekte

28. April - 29. May 2010

Barbara Storck-Brundrett's artwork is about people, human behavior and needs. Her portraits of British beach visitors testify to her observation abilities - removed from the context of the beach and isolated against a monochrome background both the bizarre the loving come to light. Her objects, such as her "pillows", are also not what they pretend to be: neither flotation devices nor suitable for sleeping.

Uta Weber / Thomas Stimm: "schön + gut"

10. March - 17. April 2010

The title of this exhibition is simultaneously programme. Forms, colors and materials, which the artist couple Stimm/Weber use in their work, testify to the title of the exhibition and are also an expression of pleasure in beauty. Uta Weber first received her diploma in Object Design in Aachen before studying art in Münster with Professor Timm Ulrichs. Thomas Stimm studied art in Vienna. He has had exhibitions in Museum Ludwig in Cologne, the Deutsche Guggenheim as well as in MUMOK Vienna.

Werner Berges: "Die Farben der Frauen"

27. January - 27. February 2010

On the occasion of this exhibition, we present the new woodcuts by Werner Berges. "The colors of women" is the title of the new portfolio of six woodcuts by Werner Berges. For decades, prints have played an important role in his oeuvre. We are proud to present this new edition of 50 signed and numbered prints.The presentation is part of our exhibition "Master Prints". Other works by renowned artists will also be shown including Joseph Beuys, Kiki Kogelnik, Sam Francis, Robert Rauschenberg, Mel Ramos and Andy Warhol.