Albrecht Wild - Shaped Canvases / Kanreki
Update: The exhibition has been postponed due to the current pandemic situation. We will publish the new date when it is known.
From November 26, 2021 till January 21, 2022 the exhibition "Shaped Canvases / Kanreki" by Albrecht Wild can be seen at the Naxoshalle in Frankfurt am Main. More infos on the attached pdf file below.
Pictures here: Albrecht Wild, Ukiyo-e XXXYIII (Utamaro 15_1), 2019, Papierfilzcollage/Werkgruppe Beermats, 32 x 32 cm
Albrecht Wild in Vienna: Dom Museum
From November 5th, 2021 till August 28th, 2022 the Dom Museum in Vienna will be showing the exhibition "Rich & Poor". This topic pervades history and the present like hardly any other. This complex will be investigated through works by Josef Beuys, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Nan Goldin, Georg Grosz, Sigmar Polke, Thomas Rentmeister, Thomas Struth, Rosemarie Trockel and Albrecht Wild, among others. Two works by our artist Albrecht Wild are included in this exhibition: "Sitzender" (2008) und "LED-panel" (2008 - both pictured here, photo from Albrecht Wild).
Steve Johnson: Royal Academy Summer Exhibition 2021
Two works by our artist Steve Johnson have been chosen for this year's Royal Academy Summer Exhibition in London: his unique piece "Tangerine Trap" (in gallery V) and his editioned print "Shelved" (in gallery VIII). Royal Academicians both jury and curate this exhibition that has been taking place continually since 1769. Due to the pandemic, this year's exhibition is taking place September 22, 2021 till January 2, 2022. More information can be found here.
3D Tour: Visit our booth at Positions Berlin 2021
Even if you did not have the opportunity to visit our booth at Positions Berlin Art Fair, you can take a 3D tour of our booth nonetheless. Please click here and see our booth with works by Michael Craig-Martin, Julian Opie, Petra Scheibe Teplitz and Konrad Winter.
Interview with Petra Scheibe Teplitz
Shortly before the artist Petra Scheibe Teplitz installs project #2 at the new DavisKlemmGallery project space in Hochheim am Main, we are publishing this interview that gives some insight into her "sausage production". (the interview in German can be found below as a pdf file.)
Project #2 by Petra Scheibe Teplitz can be seen from September 4th till October 31st, 2021. The installations in the project space are conceived by the artists to be viewed through the window - and are thus visible 24/7.
Konrad Winter in Worpswede
Works by Konrad Winter will be on view in the Neuer Worpsweder Kunstverein under the ambiguous title “End of the performance”. On display are paintings that play with the “imaginable”. His technique of digitally reducing photos into light impressions and transferring them to aluminum with a brush and car paint shows different levels of meaning.
“Tilting one image information into another poses the question of image content and perception and thus examining the structure,” he describes his approach to nwwk. “The original motif can only be seen from a greater distance. The digital character alludes to our experience with internet, a huge and permanently available image memory that has had a lasting impact on image reception. We are also familiar with digital imaging processes in science. Several levels of information are combined in one image that only appears to depict a situation, a snapshot. "
His new works for the exhibition reflect a calm retreat that was already recognizable in his recent paintings. Under the perspective of the forced withdrawal caused by the pandemic, they gain a new presence.
"Eat me!": Junge Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
The Junge Kunsthalle Karlsruhe will be showing the exhibition "Eat me! Fruit and vegetables in art" from July 24th till October 31st, 2021. We are pleased to support the museum by lending works by our artists Peter Anton and Günter Beier. The exhibition accompanies the exhibition "Inventing Nature. Plants in art".
Petra Scheibe Teplitz: TOI TOI TOI
Petra Scheibe Teplitz is represented with her sculpture "TOI TOI TOI" ("Good luck") at the 23rd Sculpture Park in Mörfelden-Walldorf. The materials wood, paint, boat varnish, hooks and a lifebuoy sound like the ambience of a North Sea holiday. However, the German artist Petra Scheibe Teplitz creates something different from these materials: a neon-orange, two and a half meter high pillar with a neon-orange lifebuoy at a height that is difficult to reach. It is more of an exclamation point than a beach idyll. The white lettering "TOI TOI TOI" - also the title of the work - covers the entire wood beam.
The lifebuoy as a motif has been used for a long time in the works by Scheibe Teplitz. However, its symbolism changes depending on the development of daily politics. More precisely: what rescue and who is in needed of being rescued.
July 4th - August 29th, 2021 "Sculptures in the park".
New: DavisKlemmGallery Project Space
The DavisKlemmGallery is opening a project space in the Rheingau wine town of Hochheim am Main. Centrally located in the picturesque old town and only four kilometers from the gallery location, the gallery's artists can use the 20 square meter room for installations. The special thing about the new location is the almost full-surface shop window facing the street that allows a complete view of the room.
The first artist making an installation will be Frankfurt artist Albrecht Wild, who has been an artist of the gallery since 2016.
The address of the project space is Kirchstraße 4 in Hochheim am Main.
New gallery artist: Hein Spellmann
After his fascinationg first exhibition at DavisKlemmGallery, the Berlin artist Hein Spellmann is now a permanent fixture in the gallery program. His works combine photography with object art. We look forward to long-term cooperation.
Virtual tour: Pop:Street:Art with Günter Beier
"Pop and street culture in contemporary art" - artists in Baden-Württemberg have taken a position on this topic for the 2nd Southwest German Art Prize from the Kreissparkasse. From 308 submitted works 37 were chosen by a jury for the exhibition - including the painting "Hosen 3", 2016, oil on canvas, 150 x 100 cm, by our artist Günter Beier.
His painting shows an excerpt from an old Quelle catalogue - a reference to times long past when customers were still turning the pages of printed catalogues. Trousers in different muted colors with matching belts are stacked on top of each other. Beier paints the trousers in oil on canvas in such a way that the polyester material and the artificial leather of the belt can be seen. He replaces the original care instructions with colored rectangles, while he leaves the puzzling information "S" and "U" for the quick orientation of a potential buyer. While Konrad Klapheck devotes his realistic painting to machines, Günter Beier is looking for everyday products that are known from the media or from shopping. He stands in the tradition of Pop Art, which deals with media content and everyday culture (popular culture).
Gallery open again
As of Wednesday, May 12th, “click & meet” is again possible. With an individual time slot you can come by to see our current exhibition by Hein Spellmann or view works by our artists. Please contact us either by phone or e-mail to book your gallery visit.
"Bulging" - article about Hein Spellmann's exhibition
Anna Scheuermann wrote an article for "Bauwelt" about the current exhibition "Berliner Mischung" (Berlin blend) by Hein Spellmann at DavisKlemmGallery. "Bauwelt" is a trade magazine for architecture and urban development.
New online catalogue: Hein Spellmann
Our new catalogue, "Hein Spellmann: Berliner Mischung", is online. The catalogue contains photographs of Spellmann's works as well as installation views in our gallery. Text by Linda Traut and interview with the artist are both in German.
Closed again as of March 29th
The gallery is closed again as of March 29th, 2021 due to the latest corona regulations in the state of Hesse. Please contact us either by phone or e-mail.
We hope to be able to open the gallery again soon for visitors who would like to see our current exhibtion by Hein Spellmann.
Pictured here: Hein Spellmann, Fassade 297, 2016, silicone, acrylic, CLC print, foam, wood, 20.5 x 25 x 9 cm
Open by appointment
Starting March 8th, 2021 the gallery is open again for visitors by appointment. Please contact us either by phone or e-mail to schedule your individual visit. The exhibition "Berliner Mischung" (Berlin blend) by Hein Spellmann is already installed and waiting to be seen.
New catalogue: Peter Anton
We have published a new catalogue with a text (in German and English) by Linda Traut: Peter Anton - Sculpture. You can find the online version here as well as on our website und "artists", "Peter Anton".
Exhibition extended
Konrad Winter's exhibition "Lichtungen" will remain installed in the gallery until February 27th, 2021. We hope to be able to reopen the gallery soon.
You can reach us by phone or e-mail
Because the number of new infections with the Coronavirus remains high in Germany, the current lockdown has been extended until January 31st, 2021. However, you can still reach the gallery either by phone or e-mail.
The current exhibition, "Lichtungen" by Konrad Winter, will be extended. We hope to reopen the gallery in February.