But is it real?
16. April - 04. June 2023

Charlotte Trossbach
Toffifee IX, 2023
Oil on canvas
39,4 × 55,1 inches
(100 × 140 cm)

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Charlotte Trossbach - Toffifee IX, 2023, Oil on canvas

Blick in die Ausstellung


But is it real?

The exhibition ends this weekend. The gallery is open on Saturday, June 3rd, from 12 to 6 pm and on Sunday, June 4th, from 3 to 6 pm.

The title of the exhibition raises the question of reality in reference to the question "But is it art?" The paintings by Günter Beier, JKB Fletcher and Charlotte Trossbach show three perspectives of realism. From everyday objects to natural scenes in a forest: visible reality translated into oil on canvas.

Artists working in realism are less confronted with the question "But is it art?" than, for example, representatives of abstract or conceptual art. Nevertheless, many questions remain, also for the artists. Not infrequently, their works are reduced to the pure motif and this may be overinterpreted. Beier, Trossbach and Fletcher, however, have a different focus. This lies in the structure, in the aesthetics of detail or in atmosphere. Their answers to various questions about realism show a wide range of realist painting. How different each approach and the results are is visible in the different works of this exhibition.

In relation to the introductory question "But is it real?" it becomes apparent that reality is indeed multi-layered. Even photorealists have different motivations to choose a certain perspective and crop a photograph and thus direct the viewer's gaze. Thus the realistic surface is not real, but only a means to an end. The objects depicted are not the focus in each case. Content of the works is another, which could be found in both realistic and abstract painting.